Get Involved


Join Our Community

At Jack & Jill Center, our community members play a vital role in supporting our mission. We value the commitment and dedication of individuals like you who make a difference in the lives of children and families. There are several meaningful ways you can get involved with us, and we invite you to explore this page to discover how you can contribute to our cause. No matter your background or skills, there is a place for you at Jack & Jill Center! Together, we can create a positive impact and build a better future for our community.

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Become a ReadingPal, lead a STEAM project, work a special event - we have plenty of ways to offer hands-on support. 

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Become a Corporate Partner

We have many opportunities for the Fort Lauderdale business community to provide hands-on support to our children and families.

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Become a Young Professional

This networking group of individuals ages 21-40 are dedicated to providing community awareness, volunteer services, program assistance, and financial support for Jack & Jill Center. 

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Friends Auxiliary Board

Established in 1999, the Friends of Jack & Jill Center is a support group of volunteers committed to developing community awareness, fundraising, and program assistance for the Center’s children and their families.

Upcoming Events